Novel, long story written in a thick book and is usually divided into several chapters. Although there is a novel set in the real story, but often full bandage imaginative prose fiction and written in a narrative.
Of the number of novels in the world that are now millions, roughly what the first novel in the world and who the author?
Author of the novel is the first time a Japanese woman named Murasaki Shikibu. It is said that the name was merely a pseudonym. So it is still a mystery, who's real name? Recorded in the historical literature, known only Murasaki was born around the year 973 of the respective families in Japan, the offspring of the first regent Fujiwara.
He is known as an intelligent woman. 998 years later he married and had a daughter. But not long after, precisely in 1001, her husband died. Several years later, he was called to work as maids in the Heian Palace because his writing skills and thinking smart.
He wrote his own novel titled "Genji Monogatari", which in English means "The Tales of Genji" and the Indonesian "Tale of Genji". This novel has 54 chapters with a total of 1000 pages.

He wrote this novel before he was called to work in the palace, there are even some who predicted he began writing since before her husband's death. According to its title, this novel tells the story of Prince Genji. The novel is written with grammar is quite complicated, even for the Japanese though. Plus, at that time literary works are not allowed to include the names in the story, so it must use proper names or titles. This makes the linguists must learn the language used in the novel.
The novel addition to the world's first novel is also a romance novel genre in the world. Currently, "Genji Monogatari" has been translated into many languages and staged in various occasions. Not much is known about the life of Murasaki Shikibu after writing this novel. But he also has other works published in the form of diary and a collection of poetry.
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