Rarely do volcanologist get to watch the birth, growth and death of a volcano. Paricutín provide such an opportunity. Paricutin cinder cone volcano is located in the state of Michoacan, in Mexico, close to a village of the same name, which is now covered in lava. As quoted from Nature expands so Guru, the volcano erupted on February 20, 1943, and continued to erupt until 1952, where he destroyed the village of Paricutin and San Juan Parangaricutiro, burying two villages under ash and lava. The spire of the church of San Juan Parangaricutiro is left of the village, sticking out of the rocks of lava that has cooled and solidified.
Unlike most other volcanoes, mountain Paricutín birth occurred recently. This makes this volcano is unique because it is one of the few volcanoes whose birth was witnessed by humans. The volcano is located about 200 km west of Mexico City, in the Michoacan-Guanajuato volcanic field, which contains around 1,400 volcanic vents. Paricutín is the youngest volcano that formed in the northern hemisphere.

The birth of a volcano: photos taken are taken on day 2 eruption / birth of Paricutin mountain.
For weeks before the eruption, residents of this village have experienced tremors and a deep rumble of the earth. On February 20th 1943 a farmer, Dionisio Pulido, and his wife Paula burning bushes in their corn fields when they observed the earth in front of them swell up and crack formed a gap of about 2 meters. They heard a hissing sound and saw smoke billowing out of the gap, which they describe has a disgusting smell of rotten eggs. Dionisio Pulido was not sure what it was, but it makes it quite afraid to escape from the scene. Incredible, what the farmer is in effect witnessing the birth of a new volcano.
The next day, Dionisio, along with several others from the village, out at dawn to inspect the site. What they saw made them awe and fear. rocks and smoke thrown into the sky while the cone grows in front of their eyes. After at least more than one day, the already high cone 50 meters, and within a week had reached 100 meters, and lava began to flow out into the surrounding soil.

The birth of Paricutin volcano at 17:30 local time on February 20, 1943 in the village of Paricutin, Michoacan. Photo taken by Chavez Ruiz on February 28, 1943
The eruption became stronger in March, resulting in a column of smoke as high as a few kilometers. The most intense activity of the Paricutin occur during the first year that spew more than 90 percent of the total amount of material spewed by the volcano. Thick smoke, ash, sulfur fumes and lava make it safe for the people in the villages Paricutin and San Juan Parangaricutiro to stay, and they had to be evacuated. In August 1944, most of the villages Paricutín and Parangaricutiro covered lava and ashes. Only the tower of the church of San Juan Parangaricutiro that looks out over a lava field. Due to timely evacuation, no one was killed by lava or ash. However, three people were killed by lightning associated with the eruption.
For the next nine years Paricutin volcano continues to erupt, although this was dominated by relatively quiet eruptions of lava that burned 25 square kilometers of land around it. In 1952, the eruption ended and Paricutín was quiet, after reaching a final height of 424 meters (1,391 feet) above the cornfield, where he was born. Paricutín believed volcano is monogenetic, which means that the mountain will not erupt again. It is classified as a dead volcano (extinct volcano). Cinder cones and half-buried church there, popular with tourists at this time.
The birth of Paricutin volcano has attracted remarkable attention, both from the scientific community, and the people in general. Pan American aircraft serving the route Los Angeles-Mexico City reportedly diverted from their usual route to be able to demonstrate the new volcano to its passengers. Even the birth of Paricutin draw attention to the silver screen. Records of the volcano during the active phase included in the film "Captain from Castile" which was released in 1947.
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