Picnic that day turned into a disaster. At first, on July 24, 1915, the USS Eastland and four other ships - Theodore Roosevelt, Petoskey, Racine, and Rochester- chartered to transport workers Western Electric Company of Cicero, Illinois to be traveled to Michigan City, Indiana.
Pelesiran highly anticipated event most workers. The economic recession is sweeping the time, vacation is a luxury that can not be reached pockets of the workers most. Moreover, they should take along the family.
At 06.30 local time, the passengers begin to enter Eastland leaning on the Chicago River. Chicago River. A few moments later, when the clock pointed to 7:10 figures, the ship had reached its maximum capacity: 2,572 people.
"Speed Queen of the Great Lakes" was packed. Many of the passengers standing on the top deck open. Under conditions still tied at the dock, Eastland began to tilt in the opposite direction of the harbor. The crew attempted to balance the vessel by filling the water in the tanks. However, the effort was not successful.
About 15 minutes later, the panic occurred. The passengers were aware that something was wrong, scrambling and jumping into the river. At 07:28, Eastland also fall.

Unfortunately, many other passengers who already are in the lower deck. As a result, hundreds of people trapped in the water, others crushed by heavy furniture such as piano, bookshelves and desks.
Although the water depth of only 20 feet or 6 meters and a rapid response rescue of the crew of the ship that was nearby Kenosha, death can not be prevented. The lives of 844 passengers and 4 crew Eastland could not be saved.
Those who managed to jump into the river was not necessarily life. Especially children and women.
Long dresses, fashion vogue at the time, worn by the womenfolk make it difficult to move in the water. Most of them drawn from the river in a lifeless condition.

Writer Jack Woodford bear witness to the tragic events. "My eyes catch the odd movement, as I was looking out towards the river. Remarkably shocked when he saw a large ship lay it gently sloping like a whale sleep, "he wrote to the Herald and Examiner.
"It's unbelievable a large ship wretched in front of my eyes, in the calm water, the weather is very good, no explosion, no fire, no sign of anything."
Not only the passengers are so factor Eastland collapse. True problem has existed since the beginning. In 1915, new legislation cruise federal, Seamen's Act requires that the passenger vessel completes a number of lifeboats. The decision was taken as a lesson from the tragedy of the sinking of the Titanic, the previous 3 years.
Of the 2,223 passengers and crew of the Titanic, two-thirds, ie, 1,517 people graduated in the frozen ocean. One of the factors causing the number of victims is the lack of lifeboats were not comparable with the human count on it.
Ironically, sufficient lifeboats actually invite danger for Eastland, who already have problems with weight on top.
Ghost story in Studio Oprah
The bodies of accident victims were taken to the mortuary Eastland impromptu established around the crash site. To be identified.
In the evening, the bodies yet to be identified is collected at military facilities 2nd Regiment Armory -which later in the decade of the 1980s became the location of Harpo Studios, an audio studio for the Oprah Winfrey Show and other production.
That said, as quoted by the Chicago Now, Oprah and her team haunted spirits are believed to be victims of accident curious Eastland.
No one has claimed to see apparitions shadow of The Gray Lady, which according to rumors is a mother who lost their lives in the Chicago River.
The existence of the lady dressed in vintage hat pretty impressive even reported several times caught on CCTV cameras.
Others claim to be a witness to the door that opened and closed by itself, heard mysterious footsteps, or laughter, weeping, also cries for help.
Spooky story is also mentioned in the page Behind the Scenes at Harpo Studios on the website www.oprah.com. "Today some people say, the building is haunted ghost Harpo Gray Lady," the sentence printed on it.

One emergency morgue set up in the building that is now the Castle Nightclub and Excalibur Nightclub, which is located near the Chicago Hard Rock Cafe.
People claim to see apparitions of a woman up the stairs or an invisible boy playing around the bar. A monument to the tragedy of Eastland was established at the site - which he said - well so creepy sighting.

Meanwhile, Eastland, lying tilted successfully pulled from the river. He later renamed Willimette and converted into naval vessels. Her term ends when the ark was dibesituakan after World War II.
All lawsuits against the owner of Eastland overturned by the appeals court. Until now, the exact cause of the tragic fate of the boat, which began to lift anchor on July 16, 1903, there are still a mystery.
In addition to Eastland accident, on July 24 a momentum number of events worth remembering. In 1911, archaeologist Hiram Bingham III discovered the ancient Inca city of Machu Picchu.
Then in 1924, an archaeologist, Themistoklis Sofoulis, which swerved into politics was elected Prime Minister of Greece.
History was also created on July 24, 1969. That day the crew of the Apollo 11 mission landed safely in the Pacific Ocean, after completing the mission set foot on the Moon. "That's one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind," said Neil Armstrong to the millions of pairs of eyes that watched the first landing mission satellite to Earth.
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