It is customary for Christians each CHRISTMAS CELEBRATION always decorate a Christmas tree in various places as a form of excitement to welcome the Nativity of Jesus. But you know my friend all that the Christmas tree was no history. Well therefore on this occasion set History will try to share knowledge to my friend all about the history of existence of the Christmas tree.
The existence of the history of the Christmas tree starts from Germany. It is said that the ancient German Nation has a habit of installing tree (complete with branches and leaves) in their residence to expel 'bad spirit', and as a symbol that spring quickly arrived. This habit has been held in the ancient times even before the sacred books brought by the prophets.
When the German population spread to many regions including the US, they often put spruce evergreen trees belonging to the Christmas decorations in the house. Of the existing records, the Germans in Pennsylvania United States displaying a Christmas tree for the first time in the 1830s.
By the time Christianity spread in Germany, the church did not like the habits and forbid it. Around the 12th century, a bakery owner had the idea to put the tree trunk in a state upside down and it is approved by the Catholic Church.
After the Protestant appeared, Martin Luther King popularize the natural position like a tree in general and decorated with candles to show the children how the stars glittering in the dark sky. And over time, the Christmas tree was decorated with ornaments like lights, angel, even chocolate and apple.
The first Christmas tree in Britain came as Georgian king who came from Germany. At that time the British people less sympathetic to the German monarchy that is unpopular trend among them.
In 1846 Queen Victoria and her German prince, Albert was described by London News standing along with their two children around the Christmas tree. Because Queen Victoria was very popular in the hearts of the people, immediately christmas tree a trend among the British people even spread to the east coast of America. The first Christmas tree in America supposedly originated in Pennsylvania popularized by immigrants coming from Germany.
Traditionally, the Christmas tree in Germany mounted and decorated on December 24 when Christmas Eve, after twelve days until the 6th of January. But there is also an opinion stating that the habit put up the Christmas tree was first popularized in America by German soldiers Hessian.
The types of Christmas trees used in Europe:
Silver Fir: Abies alba (the original species)
Nordman Fir: Abies nordmanniana
Noble Fir: Abies procera
Norway spruce Picea abies (the cheapest)
Serbian spruce: Picea Omorika
Scots Pine: Pinus sylvestris
Balsam Fir: Abies balsamea
Fraser Fir: Abies fraseri
Grand Fir: Abies grandis
Noble Fir: Abies procera
Red Fir: Abies magnifica
Douglas Fir: P seudotsuga menziesii
Scots Pine: Pinus sylvestris
Stone Pine: Pinus pinea
There are several legends / stories circulating among Christians themselves regarding the origin of the Christmas tree.
Experience "supernatural" St. Boniface
According to a legend, there was a priest named St. Boniface England who led several churches in Germany and France. One day on his way he met a group of people who will dedicate a child to the god Thor in an oak tree. To stop their evil deeds, miraculously St. Boniface knock down the oak tree with his punches. After the amazing events in a fallen oak tree grows a fir tree.
Martin Luther and yew trees
Another story tells of an incident when Martin Luther, the Reformation, was walking in the forest at night. Impressed by the beauty of the sparkling millions of stars in the sky that its rays penetrate the branches of pine tree in the forest, Martin Luther cut down a small evergreen tree and take it home to their families at home. To create a glittering star as seen in the forest, Martin Luther put candles on each branch of the pine tree.
Regardless of the truth of the stories above, until today the installation of a Christmas tree still raises the pros and cons among Christians. For people who are not pleased with the Christmas tree, relates that in ancient times the Romans used evergreen trees to the celebration of Saturnalia, they decorate it with ornaments small and masks small, because on 25th December was the birthday of the sun god, Mithras, the sun god originally from Iran who later was worshiped in Rome. Similarly, Sunday is a day to worship the sun god fit of the meaning of the word Zondag, Sunday or Sonntag. Please also note that other sun gods, such as Osiris, the Egyptian sun god, was born on 27 December. Similarly, the sun god Horus and Apollo was born on December 28.
Therefore there is a certain church schools, which forbids the Christmas tree tradition, because they consider this as worship the sun god. Installation of the tree is regarded as a form of idolatry. The rejection reaction was colored by initially even the German government's decision to fine anyone who put up evergreen tree as a Christmas tree.
That began to change, when the image of Queen Victoria of England, Prince Albert of Germany, and his children with a background of evergreen trees, illustrated London News. Because the figure of Victoria are very popular, loading the images in the mass media also makes spruce become prevalent choice as a Christmas tree.
After the US public to follow the footsteps of the British use evergreen trees in the late 19th century and early 20th century,industry was growing and spread to various nations. Various industries including Christmas tree ornaments like balls strung, trinkets Santa Claus, tinsel (a kind of tufted rope wrapped around the tree), and others.
Due to the use of evergreen trees is a tradition of Europe, an expression of joy which is symbolized by a variety of decoration is different in every country. Indonesia and the Philippines, a country that severely affected the European tradition until the Christians buy artificial trees but important form of fir.
In South Africa where the Christmas tree is not something common. While Indian society, preferring mango trees and banana trees.
Until now, Christmas is synonymous with Christmas trees can not be released during a ceremony to welcome the day of the Nativity of Jesus. But only the one Christmas tree as a symbol, not to just because the Christmas tree alone does not contemplate and appreciate the meaning of Christmas itself. And should not be used as a tool for the Christmas tree clashing arrogant because it was thought that the church uses a nice Christmas tree will receive praise from the congregation
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